Heads - Carved by generation of stone carvers from bassalt and lava
rock near Bourabador Java over the last 100 years. Continuing a tradition
past down for century'sOur collection is always changing. We take great
pride in our selection, choosing only the ones with the very best vibration's
and fine finest features.
Buddha, calling the earth to witness. Carved
by generation of stone carvers from bassalt near Bourabador Java. 36"
high - very heavy.
Heads - Carved by generation of stone carvers from bassalt and lava
rock near Bourabador Java over the last 100 years. Continuing a tradition
past down for century's. Our collection is always changing. We take great
pride in our selection, choosing only the ones with the very best vibration's
and fine finest features.
Buddha, calling the earth to witness. Carved
by generation of stone carvers from bassalt near Bourabador Java. 36"
high - very heavy.
Heads - Carved by generation of stone carvers from bassalt and lava
rock near Bourabador Java over the last 100 years. Continuing a tradition
past down for century'sOur collection is always changing. We take great
pride in our selection, choosing only the ones with the very best vibration's
and fine finest features.
all sandstone statues do well out doors as long as they are not exposed
to freezing weather.